Saving Post Meta Field Revisions in WordPress

If your plugin or theme uses custom post meta fields then you may want to store revisions to these fields when a post revision is saved. It’s easy to do. For each of our meta fields, we’ll need to do three things: Store a revision of the meta field when a post is saved Revert …

Access Your Desktop Development Environment from Your Mobile Device

It’s possible to get an iPhone, iPad, or Android device to access a local web server running on your development machine. All you need is an HTTP proxy such as Charles Proxy running on your development machine. Once that’s running: Make sure your device is connected to the same network as your development machine. Go into …

Basic Authentication with the WordPress HTTP API

Basic Authentication (or BasicAuth) is not natively handled with the WordPress HTTP API. This means when you’re using functions such as wp_remote_get() and wp_remote_post() there’s no immediately obvious way to send Basic Authentication headers with your request. It would be great to pass username and password parameters to these functions, but it’s not there. Fear …

Twitter Bookmarklet: View the Whole Conversation

Update: For those who aren’t aware, when Twitter was originally launched it had no concept of replies, threading, or viewing conversations. The functionality below was written in this era and now, of course, it’s redundant and no longer works. Do you ever view a Twitter update (or a “tweet”) which is part of a conversation …